
Monday, May 21, 2012

Reflecting on the processes of electronic group interactions in Wiki.

I recently led a group of class mates on a Wiki project where together we reviewed a chapter in our book on web technologies.  I found working in Wiki a little difficult because each of us were on line at different times.  The coordination of responsibilities was hard for me as the leader.  I feel like others felt the same way.  I think our team should have used Wiki along with scheduling some conference calls. And I could have done a better job assigning deadlines.

My team was great and each person participated in the project. I think the most difficult issue was the time delays between the group. I think maybe adding email or text would be helpful too so we could reach each other and let each other know when we post new thoughts. Or if the tool notified each users similar to FaceBook, when a new post occurs.

As the group leader, I was responsible for pulling the final posting together and I felt a little rushed at the end to meet the deadline.  The communication process with Wiki is a little tough. I have used Google docs before and that seems easier to me.

Best of luck to you on Wiki. Practice - I am sure it gets easier.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

People, Objectives, Strategy, and Technology (POST)

For my blog, I decided to speak through my blog to the largest customer segment for our select service brand, Country Inns and Suites.

People (P)
As Groundswell states, a company must know what their customers are ready for online before starting any online campaigns. Companies need to access how customers will engage with thenm and their brand online.  I gathered the Social Tecnolographics Profile for the Country Inns & Suites brand's largest customer segment which is made up of women, ages 25-34 and live in the United States.  This step is very important to know how your customers will engage with you and your online communications.  Thirty one percent (31%) of our customer base are indexed as Creators; I  would engage them to help share their stories about most recent stays at our hotels.  Several years ago we created an offline campaign asking customers to share how they "Love This Country".  Customers submitted stories of family trips at Country Inns.  I would do this on my blog but have it online and ask customers that are creators to share their love of travel, their experiences and engage other customers who read the posted blogs. We have a good numbers of customers that are joiners and I can see them sharing responses to Creators post and adding destination favorties that would build interests for the blog.

 Objectives (O)
The objective of my post is to listen to my customers and to research what customers find most important when traveling for either business or leisure, as discussed in Groundswell. The information exchanged amongst our customers would be used to create more customer relevant content on our hotels and their destinations. This content could be improved on our brand web site, to improve conversions.  Travel is a very personnal experience and my customers can help each other online by sharing their experiences and by helping our marketing group improve web content.  According to industry statistics, relevant content improves conversion substantially.

Strategies (S)
I want to communicate with my customers online to help understand what services, products and experiences they believe are most important when they are traveling for business and leisure.  I want to share their stories and listen to their stories for both research and to engage in positive customer conversations.  Customers that are willing to share their stories with others and hopefully recommend our hotels to other 'like' customers.  I would use the exchanges for research so I know how I can improve my products as well as experiences.  In addition, information in the stories will help improve destination content to improve site conversions.

Keep Traveling!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Evening Bellevue University Students

Well, I made as many changes as I could to my very first Blog.  I think it looks pretty good.  It was challenging to change the HTML to add a new template.  I cannot wait to see the other people's Blog to learn how to improve mine.

Well, I am looking forward to our course together.  As I mentioned in my introductory post on the discussion board, I love school and I wish I could be a full time student.  I have a wonderful family and belong to a large Italian family.  We love to cook together and enjoy spending time together. 

I serve as a legal guardian to my brother who is mentally challenged.  My life is busy like everyones' so I enjoy sharing ideas on how to get more done.  How do you multi-task? I am a list maker so I can get a much done as possible every day.

I posted some travel photos from recent trips; ENJOY.
Cathedral In Berlin, Germany across the street from The Radisson Blu

Radisson Blu Berlin Aquariam in Lobby

Our puppy, Lilly, enjoying cottage cheese...her favorite treat

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Bellevue University Student

Hey it is a little after 8pm on Sunday night, March 18th, 2012.  I am attempting to create my first ever blog to introduce myself to my class mates. 

This is my first post and my test.