
Monday, May 21, 2012

Reflecting on the processes of electronic group interactions in Wiki.

I recently led a group of class mates on a Wiki project where together we reviewed a chapter in our book on web technologies.  I found working in Wiki a little difficult because each of us were on line at different times.  The coordination of responsibilities was hard for me as the leader.  I feel like others felt the same way.  I think our team should have used Wiki along with scheduling some conference calls. And I could have done a better job assigning deadlines.

My team was great and each person participated in the project. I think the most difficult issue was the time delays between the group. I think maybe adding email or text would be helpful too so we could reach each other and let each other know when we post new thoughts. Or if the tool notified each users similar to FaceBook, when a new post occurs.

As the group leader, I was responsible for pulling the final posting together and I felt a little rushed at the end to meet the deadline.  The communication process with Wiki is a little tough. I have used Google docs before and that seems easier to me.

Best of luck to you on Wiki. Practice - I am sure it gets easier.

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