
Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Evening Bellevue University Students

Well, I made as many changes as I could to my very first Blog.  I think it looks pretty good.  It was challenging to change the HTML to add a new template.  I cannot wait to see the other people's Blog to learn how to improve mine.

Well, I am looking forward to our course together.  As I mentioned in my introductory post on the discussion board, I love school and I wish I could be a full time student.  I have a wonderful family and belong to a large Italian family.  We love to cook together and enjoy spending time together. 

I serve as a legal guardian to my brother who is mentally challenged.  My life is busy like everyones' so I enjoy sharing ideas on how to get more done.  How do you multi-task? I am a list maker so I can get a much done as possible every day.

I posted some travel photos from recent trips; ENJOY.

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